Celebrate Easter & send Easter greetings
Celebrate Easter & send Easter greetings
Easter is just around the corner, my beloved spring festival. One of my family's Easter traditions, in addition to "secretly" coloring and hiding Easter eggs, is traditionally baking a yeast wreath. On Easter Sunday we place it fresh out of the oven in the middle of the festively set table, spread it generously with butter, jam, honey or chocolate cream... and enjoy.
Sometimes we only celebrate in a small family circle, sometimes with friends, sometimes with friends and family. I am happy to send my guests a small, personal invitation. And - who would have thought - I really like sending all my loved ones a little digital Easter greeting to their cell phone!
Why send an Easter card?
Because you send joy so easily! And show your loved ones that you are thinking of them. I designed small, digital Easter greetings especially for this; with bunnies, chickens, easter eggs, carrots, door wreaths, rainbows, doves, feathers and flowers. There's bound to be a theme you like!
In my opinion, there is no such thing as a perfect time to send the Easter mail; I always say: better late than never. Traditionally, the Easter post is sent on Sunday. Of course, it also depends a bit on what's on the card, whether you're religious, whether it's a greeting or an invitation, and when you're available. The great thing about my eCards: You can send a single, digital Easter card to as many people as you like around the clock!
What do I write on an Easter card?
There are no limits to your imagination. You can choose Christian words, funny, loving, cheering, traditional. Together with my team, I have collected ideas for you that you can find on our Easter greetings in the shop:
- We wish you a sunny & great Easter
- Happy Easter days
- Happy Easter
- Happy Easter
- Happy Easter days
- I hope to see you again very soon
You can send my Easter cards digitally via mobile phone, put them in the status on the Easter holidays and use them for your social media channels. Whether you send your greeting with your name, a text from us or your own ideas, you decide with your selection individually.

Here are a few more sayings for the Easter card, which we would be happy to put on the motif of your choice. Simply select "With name and desired text" when ordering the eCard and write your text for the Easter card in the message field:
- Happy easter (English)
- Joyeuses Pâques (French)
- Feliz Pascua (Spanish)
- Successful egg hunt and happy Easter days
- Happy Easter and a happy egg hunt
- Enjoy spring! We send you greetings for a sunny Easter
- We wish you a blessed Easter
- I wish you an Easter full of love and hope
- Happy Easter and relaxing spring days
- We send you lots of Easter and spring greetings from our bunny family (with family photo) / from our baby bunny (with photo of baby)
- We wish you a busy Easter bunny

Invite friends and family to Easter
Brunch, picnic, walk in the woods or Easter bonfire ... if you are planning to invite family and friends around Easter, here are my text suggestions that you can write on an eCard invitation in one way or another:
- One, two, three - where is the egg? Cordial invitation to the Easter egg hunt
- Invitation to hunt for eggs together
- Invitation to the Easter brunch
- Would you like to look for Easter eggs with me?
- Invitation to the Spring Festival on Easter Sunday
- I invite you to fish on Good Friday
- I'm having a big coffee party on Easter Monday: will you be there?
- We're making a small Easter bonfire in our garden and cordially invite you
- Let's take an Easter walk and look for Easter eggs along the way
- Invitation to the Easter hike with a small picnic
- Surprise: Shall we look for Easter eggs together?
Unsure if an eCard is even for you? Then take a look at my free themes and try it out: It's wonderfully simple!
Gifts for the Easter invitation
You have been invited and would like to bring a small gift with you, in addition to sweets and chocolate eggs. Dried flowers are a real hype this year. There are many beautiful door wreaths that also look beautiful in the living room on the table or on the wall.
Small, moss-covered flower pots with early bloomers such as tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, pearl hyacinths, bellis, pansies and primroses are colorful greetings. Which (planted in the garden) will bring joy again next year.
A good, homemade (or self-bought) eggnog is of course a classic that should not be missing on any coffee table and also tastes wonderful with vanilla ice cream.

When do we celebrate Easter
Easter - the feast of the resurrection of Jesus Christ - is not always celebrated on a specific calendar date like Christmas, but according to the lunar calendar: Always on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the beginning of spring. This year Easter Sunday is April 17th. April 2022, next year it will be April 9th. April 2023 and then 31. March 2024. Exactly 40 days after Easter is Ascension Day.
Happy Easter preparations and a great spring festival
your Anja
Note: This post contains advertising in the form of links to external sites and products. I have marked affiliate links with an asterisk. I only link to products that I know myself or that I would heartily recommend and find wonderful.